ScalarSpeak Clear Attachments.Parasites.Entities.Thoughtforms.Projections | MaxiM WhiteFeather 432Hz

1 year ago
220 | Maji 'Kehl - Maxim WhiteFeather - Engine 1144 | Scalar Energy Recalibration | Frequency Healing-Vibrational Medicine 432Hz tuned

This audio will assist with dissolving any attachments projections thoughtforms spells - frequencies from our field en environment places buildings rooms etc..

It was produced LIVE for a client in need of some serious assistance. Etheric Parasites were crawling through her veins and she was hurting for a long long time..I made it clear that she would be doing this work together with me, i put in frequencies and she held the intent of closing the door /entry points and transmuting all energy/frequency to a new/altered state...SO clearly I am not the healer but facilitator of (plasma) frequencies that interact with your frequency/vibration...
After this transmission I innerstood that this is for general use and so I publish it for you all to benefit.. Please be advised that it requires your Presence Conscious state to achieve these if u do not have any experience then reach out to me and lets get you this doc. with necessary info to get you started

Here is the Testemony of a 78 yr young lady who came prepared into this session, aligned to her being god basically..god-source-consciousness...

"Good morning well !!!! This is unbelievable! Woke up expecting usual pain and my whole hand felt lighter , took me few mins to realise it was not driving me crazy with the ‘horrible feeling ‘I waited not trusting it !! But that was 4 am hmm I thought chose to sleep more .. it’s a mini miracle I can open my fingers NO PAIN and the PAINFUL veins were silent not jumping about NOT driving me crazy with movement under my skin ( now I take everything with a pinch of salt ( translated into HMM I’ll wait and see) ! That was 7 hours ago NOW NOTHING! No pain no jumping veins maybe very very slight tingling in tips of fingers very soft …. How can this be??.. yesterday I could not open my hand fully due to pain and upsetting what ever was driving this pain Michael thank you SO SO much for your help I’m a sceptic by nature but this has suprised me thank you thank you 🙏 I am a sceptic by nature but I couldn’t OPEN that right hand the veins were jumping visibly , now silent relieved of heat ! and a feeling hard to explain .. bless you and that which helped us love love EiLEEN 🤔😯😂😂😇

I before felt I had creatures many of them tiny little menaces ! It was seriously hurting me via veins , I had to put my hand in cold cold water 💦 which gave me a blissful few mins relief bless u Michael I really am so grateful 💎💜🙏
It felt like some small creatures many many moving moving I could watch my veins in my right hand moving and bulging too painful to touch now NOTHING 🔥😂gone 💕

The hand that is almost normal as u know I was in very bad pain with veins jumping and curling up 24/7 a burning 🔥 horrible feeling non stop my hands were annoying and hurt me more than the broken neck story ! I’m so grateful that you offered me this help ! Although I thought before our v special work that you were NOT able to help me !!

I connection with you like a piece of a puzzle that connected and some other stuff and that night NOTHING however I woke around 4 am thought what fool I am to believe this might help !! Back to sleep then I woke up
The horrible stinging in my fingers veins had STOPPED jumping it was visible to see veins that before were crushed ! We’re now normal
Untwisted !!!!all day I scrutinised
MY hand it was and is normal … I found it hard to believe ? I’m a person who questions everything but 24 hrs of bliss and so far all is normal in the hand … bless u brother for this relief EILEEN 💎💜🔥"

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Maji-’Kehl MaxiM WhiteFeather

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