One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others – The Deep State Playing Grown-Up Sesame Street

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A few decades ago a show aired on television titled Sesame Street. It was an educational show that taught children rudimentary education in a fun and carefree manner. One of the skits showed four items, three of which were like each other and one different, asking the kids to find the item that didn’t belong to the group. Actually, it was a good show because it taught children how to discriminate by finding the differences in items. It would be called racist indoctrination by today’s standards. Using a discriminating mind many of us are playing the game as adults, looking at the differences in the faces and mannerisms of people who have doppelgangers, clones and maybe robot doubles. Thanks to this discriminatory practice and a myriad of photo graphs of officials and actors it is clear to see that there are body doubles, clones and possibly robotic lookalikes that have replaced some very important people in the public sphere. When I’ve tried to tell my friends and family that people like Biden and Obama have been executed for treason and go down a long list of others they will always say that they cannot believe me because they have seen these people on television or in other media. Showing them proof like we will examine tonight sometimes convinces a few of them. The real proof will be with this is all made public with videos of the trials, the commuting of sentences and other evidences. Until then, we have the evidence of doppelgangers, clones and robots.

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