
1 year ago

Review of Mr. Miles Guo's Live Breaking News ✨✨✨重温郭文贵先生直播爆料 (2022.10.26) 🔶Xi Jinping's strategic deployment: Detonating the "bomb" of real estate and launching an unrestricted economic war against the West; Controlling the operation of social media to prevent the traceability of the virus; Continuing to support Russia's attack on Ukraine; Constantly harassing the South China Sea; Attacking Taiwan unexpectedly…… 【习近平的战略部署:引爆房地产爆雷,向西方发动经济超限战;控制操作社交媒体,阻止病毒溯源;继续支持俄罗斯攻打乌克兰;持续骚扰南海;冷不防攻打台湾……】

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