Seed Thoughts - Puritan Joseph Caryl (1602-1673) Full Audio Book #Jesus #JesusChrist #jesussaves

1 year ago

00:00:00 01 Introduction

00:12:32 02 Analysis of the Book of Job

00:19:35 03 Abundance - Acquaintance with God - Advocate - Afflictions

00:36:40 04 Bribery - Charity - Chastisements - Christ - Confidence - Confession of Sin - Conscience - Conversion - Consistent Conduct - Comfort - Compassion

00:58:00 05 Experience - Daysman - Death - Delight in God - Deliverance from Trouble - Example - Exposition of Scripture - Faith - Friendship - The Family - Froward Man

01:14:33 06 God - Grace - Growth in Grace - Happiness - The Heart - Heaven - Hell - Heresy - Holiness - Hope - The Holy Spirit - Human Judgment - Humility - Hypocrisy

01:44:09 07 Idleness - Inability - The Judgment - Justification - Life - The Living Redeemer - Magistrates - Meditation - Ministers - Native Depravity

02:09:10 08 Old Age - Omniscience of God - Opportunities - Papal Infallibility - Pardon of Sin - Passions - Patience - Perserverance - Prayer - Pelagianism - Preaching - Perfection - Popularity - Pride - Promises - Providence - Prudence

02:36:31 09 Redemption - Repentance - Restitution - Resurrection - Retribution - Sacrifices - Salvation - Sanctification - Slander - Satan - Self-Knowledge - Sepulchres - Sin - Sincerity - Sinners - Soul - Sovereignty of God

02:59:11 10 Tears - The Tongue - Trust - Truth - The Will - Worship

Seed Thoughts - Puritan Joseph Caryl (1602 - 1673)

There is a mine of precious thoughts in this work which will well repay the exploration on the part of those who have access thereto. There are valuable suggestions which will give to the thoughtful food for contemplation and subjects for investigation. There are instructions for the advanced Christian, comforting words for the afflicted, and clear and vivid statements of gospel doctrine which all may read with profit.

The collation and arrangement of the few out of many thoughts which are here brought together has been a work full of pleasure and profit. If it shall prove so to others, the labour expended thereon will not have been in vain. - Summary by Joel Edson Rockwell

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Joseph Caryl (1602-1673) was a member of the Westminster Assembly and was one of the Puritan ministers ejected from the ministry in 1662 for non-conformity to swear an oath of loyalty to the Anglican establishment. After his ejection, Caryl gathered an independent congregation close to London Bridge from among his former hearers. There he remained for the rest of his life. After his death he was succeeded by the well-known Dr. John Owen. Caryl was a man of great piety and learning, as well as of great modesty. It was testified of him: "He lived his sermons."

His expositions on the book of Job consist of 424 sermons preached over a period of twenty-four years! As a Puritan commentator on the Book of Job he ranks as the most elaborate and thorough expositor. He deals with the whole book of Job consecutively in a textual manner, highlighting linguistic details and providing a wealth of spiritual application.

Because of the sheer volume of this work it is difficult to write a comprehensive review. The strength of his commentary lies clearly in the wealth of practical spiritual insights it offers. A few samples follow. On Job 15:4 Caryl remarks, "Natural fear shrivels and shrinks up the heart; spiritual fear opens and widens it: and the reason is, because this fear is always accompanied and espoused with faith; and faith causes joy, and joy is the dilatation of the heart." On Job 26:9 we read, "Further, as God hideth his glory from man, because he is not able to bear it all; so he hideth much of that from him which he is able to bear, both to make him hunger and thirst the more after it, and to draw him unto the greater reverence and estimation of it."

Commenting on Job 27:10, Caryl elaborates on the marks of a hypocrite. "The hypocrite delights not in God. There is his sin. Secondly, God hears not the cry of the hypocrite. That is his misery. Thirdly, the hypocrite will not always call upon God. That is both his sin and his misery."

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