God’s word is living and eternal (The budding fig tree Mark 13:28-33)

1 year ago

God’s word is living and eternal (The budding fig tree Mark 13:28-33)
In the 1980’s there was a hit movie called “Short Circuit.” The movie was about an experimental military robot that escapes and makes some human friends who try and protect it from the individuals who are now seeking it. During the movie, they begin to discover this is no ordinary robot as it has a thought process, feelings, and emotions like a human and even begins to say, “Number 5 Alive.” It was the number 5 experimental robot, so its default name was “Number 5”, and it wanted everyone to know that it was more than just a bunch of random parts thrown together, it was a living creature. In the parable of the budding fig tree Jesus makes sure that everyone knows that the words he was speaking was not idle words but instead living words that are eternally alive. Verse 31 says, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” The words of the living God will never pass away and are where breathed of God for eternal purposes.
Hebrews 4:12 (NIV) says that the word of God is alive and active, sharper than a two-edged sword, it penetrates even to diving soul and spirit, joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. We cannot view the spoken words of God like we do a normal literary works because they were not written by a human hand and the Bible was breathed (inspired) by the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth that dwells outside of the realm of time. God existed before time and will exist after time stops, God is omnipresent (everywhere at once), God is omniscient (all knowing), and God is omnipotent (all powerful). When God speaks, we should listen, we should seek to understand, we should know it is true, and we should know it is never changing. The word of God should be esteemed in our hearts so much so that we value it over our own opinion, the word of God should reign supreme over the opinions of all else because it is alive and will remain alive. Jesus was wanting the world to be ready for what was about to come, the warning is still alive today and should still resonate in our hearts and minds

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