Old Crossroads Ranch Directory Signs - Local Guides To Remote Residents Across the Vast Landscape

1 year ago

No. I do NOT see Buckshot's ranch nor this old farm or name of owners. "Brian Creek Cattle Co." (small letters bottom of upper Left section in thumbnail or embedded pic) matches the distance but not the name. A predecessor, I guess. Still trying to unravel the history.
And YES, I thought of adding myself. But felt too pretentious at the start and only now established Coal Creek Croft as the name. CC meets Tenmile Creek right across property line. Latter name compound on maps; very confusing and another reason to ditch anything 10 or Ten Mile. Regardless, a very interesting sort of pre-internet directory to use the odometer to figure out which little spot of settlement is what. Oh. I keep forgetting to measure the exact distance to CCC from here; maybe it does match a mileage tag up there. (I estimate a bit either side of 13 - 14 miles).

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