Catfish Lolly Cunningham Cooks up a Stupid Story About Phone Tapping

1 year ago

(fair reporting) 9/18/23
After an audio recording surfaced this morning. A recording where John Camillo and Lolly catfish Cunningham discussed a Paypal transaction between them where Paypal got screwed for aprox. $1600. Somebody got triggered!
Yes, we'll be posting said recording for you and we'll let THEM tell you how this financial error occurred lol

But in THIS vid we have Lolly (who claims to have 4 "advanced degrees" and a 190 IQ) telling us a tale where Noodles acts like James Bond...tapping into her phone and making felonious recordings!! Yes, thats right people! CIA level stuff going on with this Noodles 1980 guy!

Look, Catfish Lolly has a screw loose and John wants her money when she kicks! Bottomline...lets enjoy the nonsense for what it is folks! Some old foolish, medicated people...ENJOY IT!

BTW It was John Camillo HIMSELF that gave Noodles the recording lol We also have THAT recording ;) Too easy

(fair reporting...public, no expectation of privacy)

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