Attempted Burglary

1 year ago

Poor video quality can make solving a crime a long shot, but it's a shot investigators have to take and Crime Stoppers is here to help.

This video is from R&R Washateria in Lufkin and shows a man attempting to pry his way into the cash and coin room. He was unsuccessful be still damaged the front door to the building and the door to the room.

Even with the less-than-ideal video, someone will recognize the man and could turn their knowledge into cash.

If you can identify the burglar, submit a tip anonymously at, use our app, or call (936) 639-TIPS. Tips and calls directly to Crime Stoppers are anonymous, and an anonymous, crime-solving tip might be eligible for a cash reward.

With Crime Stoppers, the entire process, from tip to reward, is handled without identifying the tipster. No one will know who you are.

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