Russell Brand: In Plain Sight: Dispatches #RussellBrand #Dispatches

1 year ago

Russell Brand: In Plain Sight: Dispatches #RussellBrand #Dispatches

I have now watched the Russell Brand: In Plain Sight: Dispatches.

The show it about 1 hour 18 mins long, and most of it just tells us about what shows he was in with only about ten mins given to the accusations.

We are told he is a narcissist, something one suspects most people who are in films or TV are. Indeed one could suggest that one needs to be a bit of a narcissist to enter the world of show business.

We are told that staff on TV shows talk about staff talking to each other negatively. In truth you will find many presenters not liked by staff. I have spoken to staff on a lot of TV shows and many times they have not liked the presenters. Often you find people are not as nice as they make out to be.

However it did seem that the big complaint was that Russell Brand was not using the modern robotic emotionless talk we are told to speak like. Indeed in todays world smiling at a lady may be deemed sexual assault. In fact the mayor of London had a film published a few months ago informing us the danger of white working class males who make a joke about women’s football may be a danger to women. So clearly a man talking opening about sex is today going to be viewed negatively.

Putting on my tin foil hat, I noticed at the end of the film they talk about his YouTube channel and him being interviewed about his politics. One wonders if this was done to try to get his YouTube channel closed and to scare people off from interviewing him, as these mentions have zero to do with the allegations.

We then move on to the allegations.

My understanding from the documentary was in all 4 cases the ladies were having consensual relationships with Russell Brand.

It must be noted that one staff informs us that she believes he was having sex with up to five women a day and that often these were one night stands where the women may have been wanting more than a one off sex but possibly a relationship.

It is also not clear if Russell Brand was having sex with other women while having relations with the 4 women who were on the documentary.

It is also not clear if the 4 women approached the Dispatches show or if Dispatches searched the women out.

It is also not clear if Dispatches questioned the women in a way to produce the answers they wanted. Or indeed edited the replies for the show.

The first lady states (from my understanding) she was in a relationship with Russell Brand and seems to suggest condoms were used until she states on one incident where she seems to suggest a condom was not used and she did not want sex. A text where it is stated Russell Brand sent a text saying sorry, is the show suggesting this is a confession. We do not know what the text refers to.

The next lady informs us she was 16 and dated Russell Brand. At one stage she claims he put his thing in her mouth and he stopped when she hit him. And then she states he spat in her mouth. It is not clear if the carried on dating after this and what the reason of them ending the relationship. Near the end of the show she informs us that years later (from my understanding) she contacts a TV show or something to tell them he was not nice to her. It is not clear her motives and one wonders if this was not revenge of some sort.

Another is (from my understanding) is a lady he met at an AA meeting. The accusation seems to be that they had sex a few times during the relationship, but she states on one occasion he put his hands in her jeans and she stopped him and left the apartment after screaming.

The other lady from my understanding worked on a show with him and it sounded like they were having sex, and I think her accusation was he was not nice to her.

One could suggest that the show at most shows Russell Brand as somone who had at one point sex with lots of women. That itself I presume is not a crime and something he has stated.

I found the introduction of the Jimmy Savile interview was done to suggest Russell Brand is some strange person. Yet it was only after Jimmy Savile had died that the accusations against him came to light. The interview seemed no more than a shock jock making entertainment, but having the documentary use it to take it out of context to feed a narrative.

However the telling part seemed to be the end, where as I say, seemed to be a way to pressure such as YouTube to shut him down.

#RussellBrand #Dispatches

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