Episode#5, The Blackeyed Children, FNT meetup, Chupacabra, AZ the hero we needed, Disney/Blue Beetle

1 year ago

Episode #5, The Black-eyed Children, The FNT London meet up, The Chupacabra, The AZ and the hero we needed, Disney and Blue Beetle losing money and dirty, naughty Conspiracy.

In tonight's Episode, we will cover a range of interesting topics. Firstly, we will talk about the legend of the Black-eyed Children, a scary urban legend. Next, I will talk about the London FNT meetup and just how good it was. We will also explore the phenomenon of the Chupacabra, the Goat Sucker. I will also discuss Disney and Blue Beetle losing money. Lastly, we will take a look at some fun, dirty, and naughty conspiracy theories.

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