IMPULSES to CONSUME & a check-in on the Lahaina children & my beloved

1 year ago

I explain how ‘sometimes I get these ‘waves’ and I wonder if these impulses to “get”, “purchase”, or “have”, come from me…or somewhere else….?
3.55 And if it is coming from outside, WHO is sending it, WHERE is it coming from?
WHY is it reaching me and, WHY do I respond like this (eagerly) to it?
WHAT is it trying to substitute? Is there something better that I can ‘long for, yearn for, reach towards’?
4.20 This might be to do with the type of MKultra programming that we get…through our devices and other transmitting devices and networks….
5.05 So off I go into my, “Soul Room” to get some answers:
5.44 I greet my Greater Self and submit my questions.
6.13 I ask about these “desire rushes”- usually to do with clothing. I describe all the wonderful aspects I appreciate about having new beautiful clothes. However, I am a little suspicious about these sudden rushes.
7.22 Where do these rushes come from?
7.40 “Accept it as a part of life: the ‘soda-stream’, the ‘bubble-flap’. It is you and it is the ‘other stuff’. With the combination it is that ‘edgy’ quality: yes, when you turn on a computer, you activate a frequency of resonance between yourself and the computer,
and some things will accrue to that, yes, that is what happens. It is a natural ‘attraction field’. It is also A.I. helped, because, yes, I am so sorry, however, you do have particles which resonate to A.I. within your body. Much as you would love to think that your body is completely clean, and free, there is stuff which is inside your body, which is resonating with the A.I. field outside.”
8.26 “Urghhhh!” ( I don’t like that news…)
8.27 I command my sprit to be able to remove it and am told Borax will do this job for me. I decide to buy and take borax, use my commands, use movement and sound.
8.50 And it does need to be done regularly because this stuff comes at us all the time, from everywhere. Just keep cleaning it, just like you do everything else, like doing the dishes…
9.10 Back to the question: “Yes, your body longs for moment of excitement, and if it can’t
find it, it will be happy and satisfied with something coming from the outside as a suggestion. If you have a consumer system, based upon that knowledge, it's going to be stimulating you with little energetic spikes, which activate an idea, based upon the things you have last given yourself pleasure with in that arena.
Of course you have last giving yourself pleasure with people and ideas, and vibration, and the loved ones -the people you love. However, there is this other thing: the good stuff which is where you receive purchased new things into your experience. And this is something you have trained yourself to love, -nothing wrong with it however it is a thing of manipulative fields, where energy can be used against you.
Satisfaction is not trained in you. Satisfaction is the idea of contentment with where you are now: delight and appreciation for what you have and who you are. And you may have that in your spirit or your self, however the search for more for pleasure for stimulus for, hmmmmm, the search for knowing is what brings it to you. That's really how you are designed you are designed to want to know and grow and to experience more. And that is like an open funnel: you walk through the world like an open funnel. And it is natural that other things will want to attach themselves to the edge of that funnel. They may not be the things you truly seek but they are things which can fit into that space. -things you can imbibe take in, and so sometimes if you "eat some of that", it can prevent you from searching more and beyond.
It's a clever strategy really, if the stuff that you are offered has a similar shape to better things, at least for a moment, they will drown your request, your requirement or desire for what we would call The Heavenly or divine bases. There is something you have been considering, as someone suggested it, with the children in Lahaina of some of them being sold captured and, ‘milked’. And the idea was to assist somebody in their particular kind of work and you thought about it, that it could be something which is a skill that you could develop. And to help the souls of the children, and there was a little trepidation about getting involved in it too but you did offer yourself up to do some experiential work there, that sounds reasonable: you helping us all to find itself you were delighted when you're on the receiving end of that. A little more knowledge of your soul parts, always a delight- a good thing, strengthening. You said that to your friends today we need to know and value ourselves even more, even more, even more. As spirits in bodies, being here.
The question that was post there in that group, was that dark entities were using souls passed over, as soul-batteries to put them through experience in the etheric levels, the negative effect levels which were tortuous and painful, and using the emotional reaction as their life-support source. Of course that is despicable, the question is what do you think you could do about it to stop it and to also of course, return those beings to a place that is of a more peaceful, happy and righteous place to exist. Now part of you believes that this is not something that you should do. However, the fact that it has come up tells me perhaps it is. If there were children who were being used in this way, you wouldn't like it. I can feel the way you were edging towards this is in a very general way; you don't want to get involved on individuals. That's how you're feeling right now, you want to do some sort of blanket work instead of specific individual people. That's where you're tending to right now.”
14.14 I say my favourite prayer, “I am the Living Spirit within…” “it is a centering prayer of appreciation, and good knowing. Give this to those children who have passed over.” I hand it like scrolls to each one of them. There are many of them, so I hand out the scrolls and they pass them on among themselves. There were at least five hundred children there. I tell them, “When you open the scrolls you will see that prayer within. Find the words and experiment with the sound of the words, and the feelings it evokes within you. Let the words resonate deep within you, so that you can feel the words. The more you can feel them, you can start to believe what you feel. And therefore use this prayer, as a way to awaken your mind. Each one of you has the potential to remove yourself from this system, - this new matrix they have set up in capturing you. Allow it to permeate yourself as you practice and go through it, - for this is a better ‘food’ than you have been given so far. This is special peace of some quiet. And if you use it and if you play with and experiment with it, you will find yourself being able to remove yourself first to a neutral space and from there, into a far more enjoyable experience, eventually releasing yourself into your wider soul essence. There may be parts of you you can rejoin and continue on your journey, perhaps replace this destination with another for your next incarnation. -Perhaps you are happy to sit the next one out a little while? However, the sense of security in your, ‘loveliness’ you can regain, by using the words of this prayer. It is simple and powerful.
16.25 Now I want to look at something that I was talking with Jenny and Colin about this afternoon. I had the pleasure of interrupting them in a TaiChi, KungFu lesson, which was fascinating to me as I could feel the way that she was being instructed. How she was experiencing and using her awareness in her mind and her body to learn and practice this fascinating energetic art. And we had a wonderful conversation. I went back home and baked little cakes and we had a picnic in his beautiful wld garden, talking of things ‘energetic’. And one thing we were talking about, was how I experience this big, wide ‘heaviness’ as I allow my Spirit to fill my body, my physical body. And we were talking of the opposite of that. - Not as though there is no spirit, not that. But instead, of feeling as big, as heavy as a mountain, to feel as slight and as small as a breeze: a particle form the centre of within us, that can move into the centre of within anything else. - To easily move, traverse thousands of miles, in instants. To enter any system, whether it’s water, or air, or a person, to pass through things. And I was suggesting that this is ‘the time’, ) as I say say with my Activating Human Potential), that we develop, gather and research these skills that we do truly have as beings - Human Beings.
And we can travel with our feet and our bicycles and our motorbikes and our horses, and our cars, and our planes AND, with our minds, with our souls.
What is it we need to be ready for, you see?
I command my spirit, to reveal to me if there are skills I need to develop now, which will help me and others in then, and the foreseeable future. I wish to be shown these; I will get my large book, which I keep in my soul room, and I shall open a page and see what is written in there:
18.44 “Majesties- like miniature suns shining. Think of the ancient art-works of early Christianity (as far as you know it), with the sun rays form the minds and the hearts, looking like the halos. We all must be in our, ‘halo state’, as a conscious decision every day now.” “A conscious decision everyday to fully acknowledge that yes, we are the human beings, and fully acknowledge the Greater Spirit. I don’t mean, “plugging in to God’, I mean the greater spirit of our selves, this spirit which has found its way into our body and (chuckle), done it’s best to reside in there. It is time now that we see ourselves as the body and the greater self, all of the time. - As we clothe ourselves, and eat, and walk and talk and look- to feel both aspects, which also ties into what I did earlier. So, this physical self of my 5’6”, 1.68m body, size 12, and, the other energy beyond.
19.59 “I have a story to tell: fairytale, the construction a life in this strange situation. Of a natural planet, held hostage, cobwebbed-over with electrocuting substances and a strange force that has worked its way through the psyches and minds and material existences of all humans and animals of this planet. This is the one I chose to jump into - I’ve been here for a while. Some of my memories are present, some of my skills are present. My Love has been found for me, I have people I love, my children, some dear friends… and here we are now, exploring the opening of the skills. - That which you might confirm as ‘beyond human’ but, it is actually the inheritance of the human, the full genome, switched on, in full expression, allowing all the information to be downloaded through form the Greater Self, into the physical experience.
21.00 Physical experience is all the daily life: it is the touched moments between loved humans, loved animals, loved plants, loved elements. These are the true ‘life-quickening’ moments, the joys, the emotions, the communication between these, (coughs), lively essences, these beings.
And then you have the other, the slower things. The things which are made. And for you, there is….there are the other elements of life and joy, generating emotion, which is how you calibrate and measure your experience on earth- it is the emotions you generate.
And these are the things you would describe as the ‘dead things’: the objects; just a moment ago, I saw the shells I collect, beautiful. Mother-of Pearl, creamy nacre….exquisite. No longer a living animals in them, but a thing of beauty to behold, and it gives me an elevation of feeling, yes. In the same way: if I look at the fabrics I have hanging, that I have chosen to surround myself with. Their freshness, the sweetness of the ‘touch’ of the fabric, the colours, and all the objects I have.. The books, pens….all my ‘things’ to do things with, or just to delight in looking. And there is delight, there is energy to be had in that interaction.
Is it as much energy as talking to a dear set of friends? It is as much energy as working with plants in a garden, or stroking a cat? Is it as much energy as speaking with a beloved? of course not, - but it is energy. To have an empty room, devoid of such objects, and to live in it, is a sparse, thinner existence. To have beautiful things around us is gorgeous.
I have long had a conditioning of, ‘everything i use, I must use properly.’ If I don’t use it anymore, i must give it in some way, to be valued and used properly. Or at least, if it is to be disposed of, it must disintegrate back into the planet with grace. (Or) find a new owner, be valued, be treasured, be used. If I have deemed it is no longer something I wish to engage with, I must find someone to give it to. I've never been a person who could just throw something in the bin. I can't find myself doing it. Because I give these things I have surrounded myself with some value. I appreciate their contribution to my liveliness to my well-being to my happiness. Like that, and I also know the value of bringing in new: of room moving moving through new things sifting through sorting. Choosing the loveliest the brightest best things at that moment for the next stage the next chapter and giving away, selling, removing packing up taking away the other things. I make quite a palaver about it, maybe I could be easier and just pack it up and take it to a charity shop? So that someone else may sit through and find their own treasures and that could be done - because we are trying to hold onto things tight in this world of monetary valuation, where we believe we can only receive X number of pounds per hour. And I am very guilty of this entrainment: I have a job and therefore I know the money i will receive for that. I am used to ‘not receiving my money’ for other things I create, and so I continue that, ‘I am used not to’ experience in to my further life. If I could find a way to take that out and substitute it, then I could very easily receive lots of money for the things I do now.
Because those kind of heavy fields are very deeply ingrained in us. We learn things as important or not important as you know, from the moment that we set presence in this realm. But we can change any belief any idea, anything we have and completely changed and start all over again in a flash. It takes an active will, decision and will.
26.00 So, back to that question of receiving an impulse, is it from the outside? If I receive an impulse even if it is from the outside let's say it is an MK Ultra type frequency which is introduced through the A. I. presence however, as we know, the law of resonance states that there must be something present within me. To reciprocate, to be resonated.
So if there is a joy for me in the new; new cuts, new colours, new clothing, just the idea of different, playfully different, there is nothing wrong in it. It is I who make the heaviness in the things. ‘I may not have more." "I still have good things, why should I have more?” And I could easily say, I could play this experiment two ways: receive something new, that's experimental play. Let go of a whole lot of other things, that's also experimental play. ‘How will it feel if I reach for that pink jacket, and it's no longer there?’ Do I just laugh, because I have this instead? I think I will.
Then again it's that conditioning, right now I am preparing for a very large move, so yes, I could take some favourite things. But I also, sensibly, could find other homes for everything. And it could be exhausting to list everything so it's important to have other perspectives and the lightness of being, and the flexibility and the seating from a different perspective is really refreshing here.
28.00 so yes, in answer to the question, ", where did that thought come from? Yes it was from an outside impulse because it came when you are in the presence of your computer, connected to its Internet, its broadband, and then the impasse Kane. Yes your study is your dressing room so it's only natural you would think of clothes. And the impulse of the frequency radiation coming through those electric pieces of equipment, could easily stir that idea within you..nothing wrong with it. Yes it does come from somewhere else and yes it did correspond to reciprocal frequency already latent within you. The question as ever is recognising. Once you recognise it you have more power of choice. You are no longer a victim controlled. Powerless victim to where your rudder is moving you to.
28.56 I am going in circles and spirals: we will go back to the idea of the children being used as the battery. You remember I gave the need to scroll with that beautiful piece of empowerment upon it, the prayer. And I advised them how they could play with the feeling and how that resonated within them. And now that time has passed, and they have had that, I can now talk to them.
29.33 “children, I saw some of you, your body is left after that accident at Lahaina. When Kari and I did our expedition, you were the ones I wanted to check up on : to see your souls, whether you had found your way back to where you had wished to be? - Your way to where you had wished to be. That darling little girl, Shania, she's a free little butterfly: she chose to stay a little while and look after her Nana and then go. She is a free being, some of you seem to have a little anklet tying you into the system of these, (and it's only natural), so many of us are only a soul fragment when we inhabit our bodies. I will say a prayer on our behalf to the entire source field of creation, Prime Creator.
Prime creator, these children, their soul essences that I am communicating with now, I would ask that I am able to help them Night with their soul-essence, with their full soul-brightness, their full soul presence, their full soul energy- that which was birthed of you. Connected and loved and adored of you; you are our parent and our self at the same time. I ask, with my awareness, my choice, that this piece of consciousness can enable each one of those children essences to be utterly freed from any enshacklement. Any such use of any lower astral entities, wishing to drain them, or use them, and that their greater soul essence, through my desire and my love of my greater soul essence, come now into this space and come and claim their beautiful parts.
The child, the children, the little ones, their souls and take them into their brightness, in to their bosoms, fully enfolding, holding, integrating and absolutely merging in love together. So that there is not one shred of a soul part left, to do the bidding of entities who do not deserve to receive energy in this way. -that all of these beautiful ones who are inhabiting human bodies, return to their true place: the full soul entity, the full soul of love, the full human soul - or, whatever ‘Starseed variant’ they are, however you want to explain these.
And the soft wash of feeling I can experience now, is a testament witness to the presence of these : it is like a presence of four beautiful golden butterflies come to collect their own beautiful pieces. The great ‘song’ , the great Song of the Universe, like one wave, huge wave on an ocean, moves as this is completed. There is a clean slate, nothing is left in entrapment, nothing is left in pain. There will be memories to process, and information to incorporate, but nothing left in a state of abuse or useary. Really that time has passed, if I can have this idea, this time has passed. “
33.12 Ahh! Thank you!
The question as always is what is next as I allow myself to know, as I open my great book here it is a wonderful thing to create books of life where images can appear in words, wisdoms…and the book has turned into tunnel! - And like a window, there I am with my beloved- standing next to him. I hope he feels me and shivers with delight at the thought I am standing next to him. My hand is in his hand. I feel his fingers around mine- bored-tipped fingers, and his rings of silver holds my hands with its long fingers in the inside of his hand. He can feel my presence, and the side of his body has gone ‘goose-bumple’ as he knows I am standing on his left. And the top of his ear is prickling- and his cheek and his shoulder. And the skin of his arm and of his waist and his hip, and his thighs and his legs are tingling, for I am standing there. This bi-location is a possibility as we travel through the spaces.
34.00And I just stand there in joy, for a little while, looking out on that sea of happy faces learning good things, - enjoying the fellowship of learning and knowing ‘good is on its way, and people care’. Intelligent people care. Spirit is alive in this world, - brighter each day! More powerfully-reaching the many, not only actively, but the others passively. - As we surrender our knowledge into the surroundings, just by our presence, by our words, by our deeds, by our thoughts emanating from our energetic bodies as we move daily, geographically, we are understanding our power to be what we are. Yes! A large energy-body, inhabiting a human extraordinary vehicle. And what fun it is to be driving the vehicles ? - to understand more of how we move: how we can change things, be places, feel things, hear things, know things. Be more than we have been told we are. - Love a man from afar, and it is still majestic! And cheeky (chuckle) and delightful!”
36.06 So, that is quite a scrapbook of things: but each piece links to each other. Playful- for you to play with it too in your own way.
36.36 “People get delighted when you remind them who and what they can be.” - and we don’t yet know what we can be….”We are the cookie-jar! Exploring tot he bottom and we are only at the tope right now. And unless we really do explore, we will never know what that last cookie tastes like!” ( I think it’s a bottomless cookie-jar, personally…)

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“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

You can message me on this page using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

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