1 year ago

Three Things To End The Circus Show Of Deep State Swamp Establishment Is To Subpoena FBI DIRECTOR Christopher Wray— Subpoena U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL Merrick Garland— SUBPOENA Corrupt HUNTER BIDEN—
Get All The Receits And Get Every Documents That Show’s Strong Evidence Of Joe Biden Corrupt Involve With His Son Hunter Biden And Take Away Their Money
FBI Director Christopher Wray Doesn’t Need A Private Jet<>0<>
Which He Flew On A Gulfstream Jet For Personal Vacation With His Family While J6 Prisoners Had An Oversight Hearing—<>—
The Best Thing To Do With The FBI Headquarters Is To Shut It Down And Open It Up The Next Day As A MAUSOLEUM OF THE DEEP STATE<>0<>
And Let Every American Walk The Halls Freely Everyday To Know How Never To Operate Law Enforcement Again…—…


White Hats Military Arrest CDC Chief Operating Officer🧑‍🔬💉🚨🧑‍🚀🐝

U.S. Navy JAG investigators on Saturday arrested CDC Chief Operating Officer Debra Houry near her home in Athens, Georgia, enforcing a military arrest warrant saying that Houry, among other despotic CDC personnel, was a pinnacle player in imposing new Covid mandates and convincing hospitals to artificially inflate Covid-related hospitalizations, a JAG source told Real Raw News.

After spending three days tailing Houry and observing her daily regimen, investigators reportedly caught her while she was taking a leisurely walk in Dudley Park, a 24-acre tract of tranquil woods and fields 70 miles northeast of her workplace—the CDC’s Atlanta headquarters. When they displayed their credentials and the warrant, a stumped Houry glanced at the documents, said she didn’t understand what was happening, and demanded the name of the judge who signed the warrant. The investigators replied that Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall had signed it.

“Who’s that?” Hourly said.

“You’ll soon find out,” a JAG investigator replied.

They explained she was being detained as an enemy combatant and therefore forfeited all rights and privileges afforded American citizens, and informed her she would be held at a JAG facility ahead of facing a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay.

They handcuffed Houry and escorted her to their vehicle.

“She’ll stand trial for treason,” our source said.

The charges, he added, stem from audio and video files documenting how Houry cajoled hospital administrators in New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey to treat all patients presenting respiratory ailments as COVID-19 positive without confirming the presence of Sars-Cov2 via a PCR test. Thus, hospitals falsify statistical data by assuming anyone with a cough or a cold has COVID-19. Hospitals then used falsified figures to justify mask mandates. It’s a tactic the Deep State employed during the start of the plandemic.

According to our source, Houry imposed those demands on at least eight hospital administrators in the last 60 days. Five needed little convincing and told Houry they would happily comply.

To reinforce the case against Houry, undercover investigators visited four hospitals that reported a surge in COVID-19 admissions and overcrowded “COVID-19 wards.”

“There were no Covid cases at any of the hospitals,” our source said. “I can’t say which hospitals or who they spoke to because some will be indicted, and others witnesses against Houry.”

Rochelle Walensky’s successors, he said, have steadfastly sought to further her legacy—directing the nation toward eternal medical Martial Law.

August 30/ 2023
Michael Baxter

Urgent: As RRN reported in March 2022, White Hat’s seized FEMA’s Mt. Weather stronghold and control of the Emergency Broadcast System. Mainstream media outlets reported yesterday, however, that FEMA will issue a nationwide test next month. FEMA has built a new EAS. I have known of this for the last two months but was asked not to report on it as White Hats have been attempting to locate the location of their new transmitter. Now that FEMA announced the test, I have been given permissoin to author a piece on it, which I will publish in the next two days. What’s important is this: White Hats have encouraged their own to DISABLE their phones between 2:00 and 3:00 pm EST October 4, as the phones could ping back to FEMA. I know I will be disabling mine, too. What you do is up to you that day.

August 28/ 2023
Pleiadean Contactee Elena Danaan Talk About The Massacre On Maui💔🔥🛰️🐝
And The Undetectable Direct Energy Weapon/Satellites Used By The Dark Military Forces🛰️

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All Profits Will Go To The Legal Defense Fund🇺🇸🗽

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