Emotional Health is Like Broccoli!

4 years ago

If you want to know how to improve your emotional and mental health, feel more energy and less stress, then I can't wait to share this powerful mindset shift with you about why emotional health is like broccoli!
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In this video, I share with you the most empowering and liberating mindset shift about emotional and mental health that I’ve made on my journey – and have since helped hundreds of thousands of people to make.

It’s the mindset shift that helped me go from being completely burned out to living my life with more joy, energy and meaning, and doing work that I love.

Here it is:

Emotional and mental health isn’t something some people have and others don’t.

Emotional health is a SKILL and like with any skill, you can improve it through practice.

In this video I share one of my favorite emotional health practices with you and tell you what emotional health has to do with broccoli – so I hope you’ll join me and watch it!

#EmotionalHealth #Health #LiveHappier

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