1 year ago

WELCOME to our Sunshine 4 the Soul community and our playlist MORNING JAVA 4 THE SOUL☕ Here we come together VIRTUALLY in a safe space of compassion and understanding, to sit down and have a cup of JAVA, while we discuss everything SPIRITUAL and anything about our ASCENSION and/or our TWIN FLAME journeys❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

Thank you for visiting my channel. Liking, sharing, and subscribing is one easy and simple way to exchange energy with this community, allowing YOU PERSONALLY to be a part of this growing channel and community. Your beautiful energy is appreciated more than you know ❤️

🎈You may choose to further exchange energetically in a monetary way by purchasing a virtual cup of coffee as a donation 🎉 A purchase will gain you access to special content, uploaded exclusively for those that desire a more personal connection with ME and this growing community🌞 The coffee shop chat may be virtual, but the deep appreciation to energetically connect is HEART FELT & SINCERE. THANK YOU 💙

My channel desires to uplift and encourage other souls on their ASCENSION journey. Coming together, supporting one another, helping to raise OUR energetic vibration as we go through this amazing & beautiful ...GLOBAL🌍 & COSMIC SHIFT IN FREQENCY!

YOU ARE THE CREATORS OF YOUR OWN REALITY. Only take what resonates for you 😛 and leave the rest. All information provided is for entertainment purposes only. YOU are the only ONE who decides how your life will go, what is truth for you, and how this information can help you on your ascension path.

Some photographs & thumbnails in this video were taken and solely owned/copyrighted by the creator, these are my personal photos.

I'd love to hear about your spiritual journey or answer any questions about the twin flame journey...feel free to email me @

Disclaimer: I do not sell anything or give personal readings at this time....a coffee donation can be purchased but ONL through 🌞
If anyone messages you in the chats, it is NOT me. Please do not give out any personal information or purchase anything from scammers in the chat. Hope you have a beautiful, sunshine filled day :) 😁👍

Sending Peace & Love ☮️
❤️‍🔥 Cyndi

#autumnequinox #fallequinox #fall #harvest #harvesting #harvesttime #september #september23 #astrology #astronomy #sunshine4thesoul

#99PORTAL #miracle #miraculous #manifesting supermoon #fullmoon #astrology #astrologytips #manifesting #spirituality #spiritualawakening #tarot #pisces #5d #consciousness #energy #virgo #virgohoroscope
#bluemoon #supermoon #fullmoon #astrology #astrologytips #manifesting #spirituality #spiritualawakening #tarot #pisces #5d #consciousness #energy #intuitive #intuitiveguidance #intuitivereading #soulmate #soulmates #manfiestationhack
#manifestation #manifestyourdreams #change #transformation #twinflames #lovereading #lovestatus #twinflameunion #twinflametarot #astrology #zodiac #horoscope #aries #arieshoroscope #ariestarot #aquarius #aquariustarot #cancer #cancertarot #cancerreadingtoday #capricorn #capricornlove #capricornreading #gemini #geminihoroscope #geminilove #geminis #geminitarot #geminilove #leohoroscope #leohoroscope #leotarot #leotarotreading #leohoroscope #libra #librahoroscope #libratarot #libratarotreading #libranewmoon #ophiuchus #ophiuchustarot #pisces #piscestarot #piscestarotreading #pisceshoroscope #sagittarius #sagittariushoroscope #sagittariustarot #sagittariuslove #sagittariustarotreading #scorpio #scorpiotarot #scorpiotarot #scorpion #scorpiolover #taurus #taurushoroscope #taurustarot #tauruslove #virgo #virgohoroscope #virgotarot #virgotarotreading #sunshine4thesoul

Fall, September232023, 9/23/23, autumnequinox,fallequinox,ascension,spirituality, spiritualawakening,5D,energy,energeticbeing

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