Nov 11, 2010 🎺 The Lord says... The Time has passed and the Door to this Table shall be shut

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The Lord says... The Time has passed &
The Door to this Table shall be shut

November 11, 2010 - From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Lord’s Words spoken to Timothy, during an Online Fellowship – For The Lord’s Little Flock, and for all Those who have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord… Beloved, the time has passed, and the door shall soon be shut… Lo, My Spirit is removed already, and My hand withdrawn… The door shall be shut!

Therefore, the door is shut for this table also… Have I not given them all they need?… Have I not poured out and sent forth the call?

Therefore, those who have come out, let them abide in Me until I come, and eat also of this bread I have provided for them, for I shall be with them… Yes, even I shall be with them, close at hand, and they shall have fellowship with Me… They have all they need.

And those who reject Me and My word, even this blessing which I have given to this generation, let them walk through dry places… For I have left them desolate! And they must walk, they must tread the path they have chosen, until the time be changed, and they are broken without hand. I AM THE LORD!

Fear none of these who push out the lip, nor be caught up in the tide, nor be swept away by this torrent of scoffers which has come, and is yet to come in great strength and numbers. Pray for them, and then leave them to their father, until they learn to cease from their blasphemies, in where they have rebelled against Me!

TRUST IN MY WAYS!… For I am also their Father… For am I not He, who formed them and gave them life? Therefore, trust them into My hands!… For My judgment is right, and My punishments, just, and My ways, true. Trust them into My hands… For I am not at all finished with them yet, says The Lord.

NO MORE shall the scoffers seek out My prophets and servants, endeavoring to sit at MY table, to mock and to blaspheme! Let them shout their controversy before The Lord!… For you are all Mine!… What company does My table have with demons?!

And no more shall those who embrace My words, spoken to this generation, seek out My prophets, as though I was not enough. Let them seek The Lord only, drawing close to Me… Set apart… Walking in steadfast faith and obedience, until I come.

Therefore, I have shut the door to this table, which I had prepared and made… And now I make it for a testimony to them, of that which is coming quickly, of that which I am about to do, says The Lord.

For I have made you an example, even from the beginning, and to the end shall you serve Me as such… A testament to who I really am, living examples, to whom I have revealed My goings out and comings in… Even to the revealing of My plans to My servants, the prophets, before the time.

Therefore, remind those who are sincere in their efforts, in seeking out this table, that they are by no means forsaken, nor have I shut the door to them. For those who come to you, with their lamps filled and lit, have Me already. And one, who is shown worthy to escape, sits at My table daily, partaking of this same food which I have given you… Lo, they shall indeed partake of My supper, with ME, in the house of The Lord!

Therefore, I say it once again, in your hearing, so it may be repeated among My beloved… Seek not the table, but He who sits at it!… I AM THE LORD.

Beloved, time is short now… And the race, hard. Yes, some of you are near the end of your walk and must now run, while still others lag behind, unwilling… Even so, amen.

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