Mercury injected into Babies - does it hurt them?

1 year ago

"Can you say to me right now, that amount of mercury being injected into a baby will not hurt it?"

William Egan, the FDA director, couldn't answer a single question about thimerosal definitively with science or specificity. Every response was without substance, behaving as a cagey lawyer trying to avoid saying something incriminating, protecting his criminal corporate masters that fund half of his agency and control it.

The only safety study on thimerosal done in humans at the time, was done by the corporation Eli Lily back in 1929.

What's even crazier, is that they only tested it 27 people who were already dying from meningitis, and every single one of them died in the trial. They didn't attribute the fatalities to the thimerosal of course, so that allowed them to add it to a bunch of vaccines without question.

This is the kind of science the FDA required before allowing a vaccine containing mercury to be injected into your infant. It's criminal negligence.

If you still trust the FDA/CDC and pharma when they say vaccines don't cause autism, you are dangerously delusional and have terrible discernment.

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