How did our seashell auction do? Pretty darn good if you ask me!

2 years ago

This was a lot of work but so much fun! After all the photographs, video, posting and packing were completed, I am able to hand over $5800 to the Fort Myers Beach Elementary School PTO! Working with PayPal was not a good experience, so I'll have to see if i can find an easy way to manage payments next time. Additionally, I accidentally switched two boxes, and I also asked someone who had already paid for money, but I learned a bit and the next one should go a little smoother (for me anyway!).

The accounting is:
$5276.88 raised from the auction after PayPal gets their cut
$451.81 was received strictly from donations (again, after PayPal)
$65 check was sent directly to me
$5793.69 was the total and I added the rest to get to $5800

My email in case you have items you would like to donate:

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