9/16/2023 信仰的力量 - 中共试图破坏第七世贡唐仓仁波切的“时轮金刚法会”,但却事与愿违。如网传视频显示,来自三大藏区的信众涌入佐盖大草原

1 year ago

9/16/2023 The Power of Religious Faith: The CCP attempted to disrupt the Kalachakra Empowerment, but the result was the opposite, with hundreds and thousands of devotees rushing into Zoige Grassland, as shown in the videos circulating on the Internet.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP

9/16/2023 信仰的力量 - 中共试图破坏第七世贡唐仓仁波切的“时轮金刚法会”,但却事与愿违。如网传视频显示,来自三大藏区的信众涌入佐盖大草原
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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