No More Italian Citizenship by Descent Jure Sanguinis?

4 years ago

Italian Citizenship by Descent (Jure Sanguinis) is a subject I'm very passionate about as it is a subject that has had a very significant and direct effect on my life. I was recently sent a video published by Italian politician, Elisa Siragusa who is a member of The Italian Chamber of Deputies and part of the Movimento 5 Stelle (Five Star Movement). She uploaded a video to her faebook page on the 19th of June 2020 called "Elisa Siragusa - Ius sanguinis - Riforma Cittadinanza". I personally find the reasoning behind her proposal to be flawed, misguided, and eerily reminiscent of arguments/language used by leaders who very few look kindly upon. In this video, I respond to the video she posted and bring up various points as to why I believe this is someyhing that I disagree with and also would go as far as to say that she may even call her own citizenship status into question.

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