i will always sound like a leftist when i talk about the walmart

1 year ago

i hate industrialization, i don't belong here
it's daytime mf, you can't be slick at this time
i have never gone to bed that early
i always stay up too late
eleven AM sillyhead
not that i give a fuck about legalities
i don't take very good care of my belongings
i am very clutter-oriented
there is always an element of discipline involved but we're not all the same
treating people like equals is the right attitude
you can't expect a policy to do what you're not willing to do
capitalism is good on paper
yawl know how much we hate the walmart
every type of degeneracy at the walmart
how could the products be any good if all they are concerned about it is profit
abundancy of crap products here in western demoralization
the true motives of encouraging people to breed
there was never a time when america had morals
OBVIOUSLY lost my train of thought
God can take the bad n twist it, turning it into sumin good
mass consumption is one of the worst aspects of this country
what AI takeover? the one that already happened?
we know that bitch is liberal
it takes 20min to get thru this town that used to be so small
how much do i need to emphasize that i don't talk right
this church has been around since the late 1800s
that church wasn't conspiratorial enough for me tho
if your body gives up your mind will probably do the same
ronnit is pretty traumatized from that car accident
she is anxious, wanting to leave the hospital
blaming my vagina for everything terrible, not good for women as a whole
i know i know i need to take a shower
plz pray for my friend ronnit
i hate hospitals and i don't like ronnit being there
this is the cover of the nashville scene
no point in mocking "them"
you know we got a lotta shit in the car
disorganized schizophrenia in case you're wondering
let's go get that food, paisley
she definitely doesn't remember my phone call
animals are perceptive of human emotions but that doesn't make them human
of course they have a gross misconception of their dog considering...
being rude n ugly won't get me anywhere but it seems to get other people places i've noticed, i guess it's just the way of the world
i know i sound like such a bitch
i wish that more people wanted what's best for the world
i sound like i'm in a state of psychosis all the time haha
examples of why freedom is bad right here
who would buy that crap art
who knew that andy warhol would have a waaaaay worse protege
i'm not workin for people *who would hire me?

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