Simpson Predictions for 2024 are VERY DISTURBING!

1 year ago

Are the Simpsons Time Travelers, is it Predictive Programming, or Illuminati Insiders aware of the plot? The “Predictions” For 2024 Are WAY To Close For Comfort and ALARMING

“Simpson's predictions for 2024 are truly chilling. In an episode dating back to 1998, the show hinted at an economic crisis, a nuclear war, and the death of the leader of the United States, all happening in the same year.

The episode in question, titled Bart to the Future, provides a glimpse into the future where Lisa Simpson has become the President of the United States. In a conversation with her team, Lisa mentions that the previous administration led by President Biden left behind budget problems and quite a mess. Later in the episode, a news bulletin reports a nuclear clash with an unspecified country, resulting in massive destruction and chaos.

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