Nigerian-raised filmmaker & founder of Lumiere Films Imole Ladipo is my very special guest!

1 year ago

Nigerian-raised filmmaker/writer/producer/content creator & founder of Lumiere Films Imole Ladipo (later immigrating to Calgary, AB now in Houston, TX) talks about her latest release “Wahala Be Like Bicycle-Disaster Date” about going on a date after chatting during lockdown…and gets the ride of her life! Imole works as a chemical engineer after graduation from Univ. of Calgary and began her film career developing
short videos listing announcements from church proceeding to form her own film company! Imole has also produced “Hello Yesterday”, “The Meeting”, “Makeup” and discusses upcoming plans for 2023 and beyond! Check out her latest release on all streaming platforms and ⁠⁠ today! #imoleladipo #nigeria #calgary #houston #filmmaker #lumierefilms #wahalabelikebicycle
#disasterdate #churchannouncements #chemicalengineer #helloyesterday #themeeting #makeup #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerimoleladipo

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