'SANDY HOOK MASSACRE ~ FALSE FLAG' - helias314 - 2012

1 year ago

Published on Dec 15, 2012

"(Source: CNN Report Friday 12.14.12 ~ Since when do we leave dead bodies lying around at a crime scene for 2-days???) It is quite remarkable, the fact ~ "Authorities" would not release the bodies of those dead innocents at Sandy Hook to their parents or medical examiners until Sunday!!!!!!! Something smells rotten already. This is obviously part of a cover-up. While the children's bodies were still warm, the media went right to work focusing on the evils of gun ownership beginning their predictable exploit of this tragedy to further the Big 'O' agenda to disarm us. This in and of itself is quite revealing. Moreover, survivors are already reporting that they heard NO gun shots prior to the arrival of police authorities. The videos with these reports are being censored in audio on boobtube. Starting to stink alot, they will not get away with this, so help me GOD... helias314."

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