X22 REPORT Ep. 3165b - This Will Be The Biggest Political Victory, Better Than The Traditional Way

1 year ago

X22 REPORT Political/GeoPolitical News Ep. 3165b - Sept 17, 2023

This Will Be The Biggest Political Victory, & Better Than Doing It The Traditional Way

The [DS] is in trouble, the people are waking up everyday. Trump and the patriots are going to bring the people to place where they can see it all. It is the only way to take back the country. This is not about another 4 year election, this is about exposing and removing the [DS] from this country. Trump says this election will be the biggest political victory by far, and it will be better than doing it the traditional way.

All source links to the report can be found on the www.x22report.com site.

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