Welcome to Oceania

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This week on Disaffected:

-Apple releases a cringe-tastic self-promotional commercial featuring an angry black woman as Mother Nature who goes to corporate headquarters like Evilene from the Wiz. After emasculating and humiliating the white men at the board table–including ur-cuck CEO Tim Cook–she promises to be back next year. Watch and marvel at how the employees and actors simper and grovel while at the same time bragging about their carbon neutrality.

-President Joe Biden mumble-stumbles through a speech in Hanoi Vietnam. He can't remember anyone's name. He can't pronounce consonants because his speech is permanently slurred. He drags out the never-existed-in-film "move line" about lying, dog-faced pony soldiers. Attention adversarial world leaders: Attack us now and get 25 percent off!

-Oh, Canada. Our allegedly once-great neighbor to the north is pulling pre-2008 books from school libraries on account of "inclusivity." The Diary of Anne Frank is among them. Marvel at the apparently psychopathic Canadian Karen—a medical doctor—who screamed abuse at her board colleague for refusing to back Dr. Karen's proposed school mask mandate.

All that and more this week!

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