Reiki Heart Chakra Energy Vlog

1 year ago

Reiki Heart Chakra Energy Vlog Title is from the fact the a I did a reiki distant for all who have a heartache for whatever reason be it physical mental or emotional. I also used the new tuning forks tuned to the chakras including the High heart chakra so I used both th rt green heart chakra fork as well as the pink High heart chakra. The number of the day is September 17, 2023 let us. start with the day @17 the letter Q then the month #9 the Hermit and the year 2023 giving us #7 the chariot added together we get 33 the master number for the master Teacher think Yeshua buddha or mohammed. and krishina for sure. the #6 also presents us with the Lover s card as the overarching tone of the day.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site showed us an amplitude power of 8 at 9:45 AM UTC, thus we have #18 the Moon shining brightly under the strength of the sun powerful light. The quality was a power of 7.60 thus #13 The death card asking us to transfomr or transition from one energy pitn to the next The frequency average was 7.83 hertz spot on the average but filing us #18 the Moon card, Illusional Intuitive and queen of the tides and emotions as in lunacy interesting The card I pulled form my new oracle c deck was the Delusional card a nother link ot the Moon. When we take this all in we Could say the Master teacher Love wants us to some acros strong and brave when we face Deaths transformation to bath in the moonlight.
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