The Deep Things of Satan - Revelation 2:18-29

1 year ago

Is the Church still responsible before God to teach the world sexual ethics.  The world has told us that to question anything of a sexual nature is to hate people.  This is a lie.  Sex, (like food, drugs, entertainments, and any other pleasure)has a God given fence around it that protects it and you from indulging in ways which eventually destroy your conscience and your health.  Would you feel loving or hateful telling a glutton that they were going to ruin their health and psyche?  Of course not.  Then why in the world has the church shied away from one of the most life-preserving and sensuality increasing teachings of the entire spiritual discipline?  This topic was once SO IMPORTANT that many theologians believed that the fall of mankind from Eden had something to do more with sex than with fruit.

Pastor John

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