Early Military Industrial Complex | Dr. Robert Seik (TPC #1,344)

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Seik books

1. Blacks Law Dictionary - 5th edition forward. With this dictionary one can understand the definitions of words used in the legal sense, not in a LAWFUL sense, and definitely not in the common use or understanding.

To start to understand the big picture of our current situation since 1933:

2. The Rise of the 4th Reich by Jim Maars

3. Operation Gladio by Paul L Williams

4. IBM and the Holocaust by Edwin Black

5. Operation Paperclip by Annie Jacobsen

6. Blowback by Christopher Simpson

7. The Secret Team by L. Fletcher Prouty

8. Surprise, Kill, Vanish by Annie Jacobsen

As it relates to the contemporary CoVid aka biological and drug warfare:

9. The Nazi War on Cancer by Robert N Proctor - this book will give you an idea how Nazi "science" continues

10. Poisoner in Chief - by Stephen Kinzer - CIA mind control, MKULTRA, and drug experimentation

More contemporary books:

11. Welcome to Terrorland - by Daniel Hopsicker

12. Presidential Puppetry by Andrew Craig

13. Tragedy & Hope by Carroll Quigley

14. How To Hide An Empire by Daniel Immerwahr

The Hundred Year Marathon - Michael Pilsbury

How the Nation Was Won, America’s Untold Story, Volume I, 1630-1754 by H. Graham Lowry

Who We Are, America’s Fight for Universal Progress, from Franklin to Kennedy, Volume I, 1750s-1850s by Anton Chaitkin

Book: Hologram of Liberty, The Constitution’s Shocking Alliance with Big Government

Propaganda by Edward Bernays, 1928 (Bernays is the nephew of Sigmund Freud. This was the basis of the Nazi propaganda machine. Bernays aligned with Goebbls and voila. The same template is at work today!)

Book by Milton Mayer - They Thought They Were Free - The Germans 1933-45, published in 1966

The People of the Lie - M. Scott Peck

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