The Basics of Rightly Dividing [Bible Believers Community Church: 09/10/23]

1 year ago

Welcome to This Week in the Word!
My mission is to encourage people to seek God through reading his word.

This week's study: The Basics of Rightly Dividing [Bible Believers Community Church: 09/10/23]

The Bible is full of truth, and the whole Bible is written for us, but the whole Bible is NOT written to us. There are division in God's word. We are instructed in 2 Timothy 2:15 to study by right division. We must divide the truth from the truth.

Our God is a God of division. The first thing God reveals about himself in his word to us is found in the act of creation. God divided the light from darkness. He did stop there. God divided His people from Egypt. Jesus even told us in his earthly ministry that He came to cause division.

God doesn't change. The bible tells us this clearly, but then as you read scripture you quickly see God changing. This makes people think the bible contradicts itself. The truth is there are no contradictions in God's word. The changes seen are part of God's plan for reconciling man. God plan never changes even though his plan includes changes.

This is a deep subject that covers a number of topics. Understanding this different division will give you a clearer understanding of the Bible, bringing it to life as you read it. When you study God's word, you must do so the way God designed it to be studied, which is by division.

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Rightly Dividing Tags:
#rightlydividingthewordoftruth #theBodyOfChrist #rightlydivide #rightlydividing #rightdivision #rightlydividingprophecyandmystery #prophecyandmystery #God'splan #keptsecretsincetheworldbegan #God'ssecretplan #spokensincetheworldbegan #paulineepistles #paul'sletters #rightlydividing101 #howtorightlydividetheword #whatisrightdivision?

KJB Tags:
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Weekly Tags:
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