Senku's Father saves Friends & ignores SON? | dr stone anime s1 ep 17 reaction theory harsh&blunt

1 year ago

#drstone #drstoneanime #drstonereaction

Senku's Father can risk his life & travel all the way from Space to Earth in "10 hours" to save his "Friends" & then lives his entire life not even bothering to even attempt to travel to Japan to even check whether his SON aka "Senku" is alive or not? Or even devote his remaining life to save his beloved Son?

A bunch of "Astronauts" living their entire lives with utter selfishness without even bothering to even attempt to UNDO THE PETRIFICATION?

There is no logic hence I call it LOLgic?

dr stone season 1 episode 17
dr stone season 1 episode 17 reaction
dr stone season 1 episode 17 in english

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