1 year ago

The video explores the untold history of major events that have shaped both the 20th and 21st century through the lens of the shadow government that pulls the strings. Key individuals within the intelligence apparatus, globalist organization, think tanks, and financial elites part of global banking cartels have been shaping western civilizations for over 100 years. The essential part of their operations is to conceal their true agenda, and to slowly gain control over western economies and governments. They are doing a fine job of it so far, but have not yet achieved full control. There is some good new, these globalist, and their associated organizations and agendas, are becoming more well known among the general population. Given the scale of their deceit and subversion, it remains to be seen if humanity can bring their sinister agenda to an end. The first step in this process is to shine a light on such activities and plans, some of these groups (World Economic Forum) have recently come out to the public. Yet much of the population still do not see how dangerous these groups and their ideology really are!

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