Christine Anderson: If You Want to Know How 1930s Germany Happened, Just Look at the Past 3 Years

1 year ago

(Apr 25, 2023) "There's a lot of people that think ... they would have been in the resistance back then. Well, take a look at what you did in the last three years, and you have your answer," voiced MEP Anderson.

"Most of the people would not have been in the resistance back then because they just went right along with everything the government asked them to do."

Full interview "Christine Anderson: From 15-Minute Cities to Climate Lockdowns, the Onslaught of Digital Tyranny" byJan Jekielek at Epoch Times:
Clip by The Vigilant Fox:

I’m currently duplicating my ‘Prevent Global Genocide’ channel on Brighteon to Rumble. For more recent content please visit:

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