'Is Hillary dead: 3 different Hillary's in One Week! Compare Pictures!' - 2016

1 year ago

Published on Sep 17, 2016
by Hard News TV

"UPDATE TO THOSE INSULTING ME: ...every thing I do is wrong and pisses every body off at me...well in the scope of things, I am a single mom with a severly disabled son, profoundly struggling financially and caring for him, with limited funds, a crappy old iphone no editing software, filming it all in one take...I apologize if its not polished. All i can tell ppl im sorry my channel offends you for not being professional but its not pay for view so youre not losing any money and your not obligated to ever watch again. Prayers for me appreciated more than insults. Thank you for watching. ~ Terri Lynn

We look at 3 pictures of HIllary from these dates:
Sept 8, 2016
Sept 11, 2016
Sept 15, 2016

Notice how bad Hillarys health looked on Sept 8. Three days later, she "collapsed, and there was a quick announcement on WABC-TV in New York that Hillary had died. Did Hillary actually die right afetr the Sept 8, debate? because 3 days later at 9-11 memorial it was not her! Then there was the fake fall/faint. And talk by the DNC for an emergency "contingency plan" as a precaution should anything happen. Then 4 days later she gives a speech in North Carolina, again not looking like the two Hillarys from that same week!

Ya'll look at these pictures and tell me what you think!"

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