Freedom Enough 036 - Donald Charles Schwartz - White Collar Criminal If Ever There Was One

1 year ago

Does a civil Justice System exist at all?

Or, is the court system just a playground for white collar criminals?

Who is this California attorney Donald Charles Schwartz?

Now that he has been caught red-handed committing felony forgery of court documents, and conspiring with adverse counsel to frame his own client for perjury, so that the defendant in the lawsuit can avoid liability for RICO Racketeering and Fraud -

Is the judge in the case just going to let Don Schwartz get away with this?


Hello world - I am...

It's September 17, 2023, today on Freedom Enough # 36 - Donald Charles Schwartz - White Collar Criminal if Ever There Was One.

I have seen a lot of lawyers to a lot of crooked, underhanded, nefarious things to their own clients. But what my own lawyer - this guy - Donald Charles Schwartz out of Aptos California did a couple of months ago, and which I only discovered 10 days ago, may just take the prize for the the most obvious, most provable, most in-your-face conspiratorial, racketeering activity by a litigating attorney Ever.

Even though today's edisode is about my specific situation, I trust that you will see that what is true about the people operating my case right now is true about the people operating the entire court system, and true about the people operating the entire government. It won't be fixed because, as far as these people are concerned, it ain't broken.


• First a brief look at Don Schwartz's father Robert A.D. Schwartz.

• Close friends with Willie Brown - Kamala Harris • golddigging whore.

• If you think that power and corruption is not based on bloodlines and family connections, you're just not paying attention.


To set the stage, I'm going to read the introduction to the Complaint that explains why I and Ed Stolz (the radio station guy) hired attorney Don Schwartz to sue our former attorney, another crook - this guy - called Dariush Adli - for RICO Racketeering.

[¶¶ 1-11]

[¶ 95 - re Forgery]

• Adli literally committed forgery to destroy my case.

• Many dishonest things to destroy Ed Stolz's defesne case.

• Don Schwartz called "Criminal"

• Now a side by side comparison

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