My alternative cancer treatment, layer 2: meds and supplements

1 year ago

I decided not to take conventional cancer treatments like chemo and radiotherapy. Instead, I selected metabolic treatment based on the principles of Otto Warburg, explained in previous videos.
Metabolic treatment is my foundation, the basement of the building, as it were.
The second layer of treatment, the ground floor, is medications, supplements, and vitamins that are non-toxic and hardly have side effects. Contrary to chemotherapy, these can be taken non-stop, year-round. Where chemotherapy harms all cells, hoping to kill the cancer, my therapy doesn't. For years, I had chemo and radiation as the standard of care for my previous cancers. It almost killed me several times. Due to the extreme toxicity levels, chemo had to be cycled and often suspended. During these breaks, the cancer recovers and grows. With non-toxic alternatives, I keep the pressure on at all times. No breaks.
Currently, the amount of pills is around 40 daily. In the beginning, when my treatment was not on point yet, and I was still experimenting with doses and tolerance, I took them 4 times a day. Recently, I felt that 10 pills in one sitting got too hard on my stomach, so I shifted to 8 times per day (8x5 tablets) at 2-hour intervals.
Since I don't have a doctor prescribing medications and no pharmacy to prepare them, I had to research what I needed, determine the dose, and search for reliable suppliers. Once taken delivery, I start experimenting and testing for tolerance and interaction with other compounds.
Some of the pills have direct cancer-killing properties. Part of the pills make the environment in the body unfavorable for cancer's growth and spread.
Some drugs are supplements and vitamins that reinforce the body and immune system.
Selecting the compounds was mainly based on medical publications of research, in-vitro experiments, in-vivo trials (in mice), human medical trials, and larger groups of testimonials from patients who did well on certain substances.
The coming months will tell whether my approach works.

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