One Good Thing About ChatGPT Twisting The Bible

1 year ago

The One Good Thing About ChatGPT Twisting The Bible

With Brad Bright. Speaker & Author.
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A lot of Christians are reacting again.
This time, because some folks are using
ChatGPT to rewrite the Bible.
Now, of course, that’s not a good thing…

However, I’m encouraged. Let me explain why.

Oscar Wilde, who wrote The Picture of Dorian Gray, said,
“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”
Most of us have heard that quote,
and maybe even uttered it.

However, that is not the complete quote.
Mr. Wilde’s full statement is a bit more—
shall we say, descriptive.
But I will circle back to that in a few moments.

First, let me say, that if Oscar Wilde was right,
then Christians should feel very flattered.

So, if you are concerned about ChatGPT twisting scriptures,
start viewing it as an opportunity to
engage the people around you in spiritual conversations
about what the Bible DOES say.
Not by LECTURING them with your finger in the air,
but by graciously offering them something better.

However, unlike the federal government,
you can’t give away what you don’t own.
So, make sure you are daily and weekly,
equipping yourself to have those spiritual conversations,
by being in God’s Word.

God is the issue—in every issue.
So, let’s use ChatGPt
to go out and MAKE him the issue.

00:00 INTRO
01:03 Oscar Wilde Quote
03:01 PETA used ChatGPT to give the Book of Genesis a vegan makeover
04:02 Complete Oscar Wilde’s quote
06:01 Next time ChatGPT comes up with another FAKE imitation of the Bible
09:28 If you don’t know what the Bible says, you can’t easily have those conversations.
10:38 Matthew 13
12:28 Conclusion

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