UK's shoplifting capitals: Interactive map reveals the places where light-fingered locals are

1 year ago

UK's shoplifting capitals: Interactive map reveals the places where light-fingered locals are ransacking stores the worst - so how bad is YOUR area?

EXCLUSIVE: As Britain reels from a shoplifting crisis that is hitting stores across the country, the worst areas afflicted by the crime have been revealed. Data obtained and analysed by MZT. shows there have been more than a million record shoplifting offences in the past five years. However, the British Retail Consortium estimated the true figure was eight million, costing shops nearly £1billion across the year. By dividing the number of shoplifting offences by the population each police force is responsible for, MZThas created a ranking of shoplifting hotspots in the UK. Cleveland tops the table as the place with the most number of shoplifting crimes in the past five years per 1,000 people.

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