Did You Know These 20 Hidden Facts | Very Informative

1 year ago

Honey never spoils, found in ancient Egyptian tombs.Octopuses have 3 hearts: 2 for gills, 1 for the body.Bananas are berries, but strawberries aren't.Earth's core holds enough gold to coat it in 1.5 feet.Shortest war: 38 mins between Britain and Zanzibar (1896).Cows have best friends and stress when separated.Venus day longer than year.Scotland's national animal: the unicorn.Great Wall not visible from space without aid.Cleopatra closer to moon landing than pyramids' construction.Group of flamingos: a "flamboyance."Antarctica, not Sahara, world's largest desert.Eiffel Tower taller in summer due to thermal expansion.Wombat feces cube-shaped.Oceans hold more artifacts than museums.Longest hiccup spree: 68 years.Shortest war: 38 mins between Britain and Zanzibar (1896).Single strand of spaghetti: a "spaghetto."Bees recognize human faces.Maine closest U.S. state to Africa.

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