Hungry for His Word, Thirsty for His Spirit| Ep. 113 soundbite 4 #shorts

1 year ago

"Luke 6:25. Woe unto them that are full. What are they full of? They're full of the world. They're full of the pleasures of this life, the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, the pride of life. If you remember the thorns and the parable of the sower, it was the things of this world that were cramping out the seed, didn't allow it to grow. So he says woe unto you that are full, you guys that are here that do not hunger. And now we understand what hungry really meant to the Lord. You will be hungry, you're full, you're satisfied with what this world is offering you and what this world is giving you. You shall hunger. Woe unto you that laugh. Now You're enjoying the pleasures of this life, laughing and persecuting those. You shall mourn and weep, He says."

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Hungry for His Word, Thirsty for His Spirit| Ep. 113 -
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