Restore GT Podcast - September 16th, 2023

1 year ago

Police Promotions
E-Gov Questions
- Fretz asks about the bank building costs.
- Dirt Mountain – It’s not going anywhere and no one is complaining about it as far as council knows.
- The Dena Manifesto
Dan is happy to see Ray. Ray, not so much.
- Ray asks about moving away from a town in need of rehabilitation.
- Denise follows up on the Rehabilitation status.

Ray lets them know they almost got the sign right, but not quite.
How much is the boiler for public works? $400,000
After a back and forth with Ms Smithman, Council President decides it’s time to remind us of the rules.
Dena asks for a follow up on her statement. Orlando states that it was in fact a statement and an opinion. He then goes on to tell her to kick rocks.
Senior Campus was hit by lightning and Cindy Carlamere stopped in to grab some votes.

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