Legs Emporium, 9 Years of Legs Photography

1 year ago

9 years of searching, discovering and filming Beautiful Women with Awesome Shapely Legs. It's been a fun run so far, obviously not without it's mistakes and failures, but all in all we have pushed through, and tried every step of the way, to get better and better at bringing the Art of Cheesecake (A term coined by the Legendary Pin Up Artist George Petty, from the 30s Centerfold pages of Esquire Magazine, meaning "Legs Art".) to the Legaphilia community.

THANK YOU goes out to all our FANTASTIC Supporters who are the reason we're still here doing what we do. YOU RULE!!!

If you're just discovering us, might this be a time to explore what we offer on our site as we're running a SALE to celebrate this achievement? If you've been following along and was never quite sure about jumping in and trying out our content, once again this might be the right time to do it. Is there a model you've had your eye on but hadn't pulled the trigger and purchased any of her products? You know the routine....now just might be the time.

Take advantage of our 9th Anniversary Sale from Now until Wednesday, September 20th @ Midnight.

THANK YOU for Your Support and Consideration!
~ B

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