Dr. Jordan Peterson on what to expect... but many are so clueless!

1 year ago

Dr. Jordan Peterson has a warning for the West: 'If a traffic camera catches you jaywalking in China, the digital ID system has you. It has your blood.. it has your genetic code, it has your photograph. It will convict you and take money out of your bank'..

Covid lockdowns allowed the infrastructure to be accelerated to bring forward 5G IOT, a surveillance state, cameras tracking your movement. And 15-minute cities to restrict travel between zones within the cities is in the trial phase. Covid was planned, it enabled money to go to these projects and to get people to take the jabs. There is a connection between 5G, the jabs and individual tracking... With Sweden trialing the under the skin chip, we are very close to a social credit, carbon credit control panoptagon that I do not think you'll be able to escape once it is started and accepted by the majority...

🔸️I hope people realise before it is too late, but I believe they will use a banking collapse and currency reset to bring it in. The debt can't be paid back, so the only way is a controlled collapse and a "solution" of a CBDC adopted by the government, well because of the currency crisis and then humanity is screwed and freedom is gone.

🔸️We are living in 1984, they think it is a Brave New World and the hard liners at the WEF (Yuval Noah Harari) would like a "Hunger Games" scenario where countries are districts of the UN/WEF and the WHO mandates the big pharma solutions on sovereign countries when they decide what biological threat is on the menu..

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