Connecting with God is Simple, Soul Simple

1 year ago

Connecting with God is very simple because the truth is simple

The moment you get the mind out the way and allow the light to shine through - Your Soul, your sun, your son.

You become one with God

Meditation is the gateway to your Soul and that is where you become one with the father

God and your soul, your soul and God are the same thing

Let go, let God

Your soul shows up everyday connect with your Soul which is your feelings and FEEL God work within you

The English Language is só magic that it shows us the truth literally

Time to stop listening to these lifeless souless pastors and messengers who do all they can to keep you looking outside of yourself. Leave the Galactic federation high council on their space ship and enter the Space inside your body to connect with your soul-a-system

The System created from God

#harrythesoulcoach #truth #god #soulcoaching

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