Iranian Freedom Rally - Criminals on Patrol abuse & assumed imagined authority & Scared - 16 09 2023

1 year ago

Iranian Freedom Rally standing up against the Islamic Regime of Iran and bringing awareness of the murders of men and women by the iranian islamic government.

4 evil Criminals On Patrol lying and threatening people without a cause or a reason.
Criminal On Patrol dropping the F word at us, and has either severe hearing problem or brain problem or both, might be retardation, we do not know, but when we are calling out for your safety to 4 aggressors threatening us to back off for our own safety, they accuse us of saying the "F" word - F off.
Obvious there is something seriously and severely wrong with their head, Another good reason not to get the jab. By the way that thing walks right into your face and its droopy face appearance, it appears that Criminal On Patrol is definitely not the full deck, definitely not firing on all 4 cylinders.

Also one Criminal On Patrol 01625 we noticed in passing was so scared shirtless ( yes we know we spell that wrong ) that whenever we passed by - it quickly ducked for cover and hid behind one of the columns of treason house. We passed by again and it hid itself again.
So scared was this cowardly 01625 Criminal On Patrol, so petrified of being caught on video for the world to see that it actually put on an animal feeding trough on its face to hide itself, also it had dark sunglasses, and it put its hand over its 01625 number.
Criminal On Patrol 01625 was so scared it constantly was trying to hide itself, finally with the support and encouragement of its fellow satanic clown costume wearing corporate foreign mercenaries they opened the door to treason house and went inside to hide from people seeing it ( a new rodent rat hole ).

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