conquest of Khyber | Ghazwa e Khyber | غزوہ خیبر کی فتح | @islamichistory813

11 months ago

Conquest of Khyber

Prophet Muhammad, who was sent down to this earth as a blessing for the mankind used his prophetic vision and farsightedness at the Hudaibiyah camp to transform the accepted rules of war and peace, and introduced new strategies that proved to be the game changer affecting the entire world, opening a new chapter in human relations among people around the world and enabling the world to witness Islamic values that changed existing situation in Arabian Peninsula and the then known world forever.

Prophet Muhammad migrated to Madinah and established the first Islamic community. The pagans and the Quraysh of Makkah came to Madinah after the Prophet with swords, spears and other weapons to kill him and to destroy the newly established Muslim community. Their first action was to kill him while he was still living in Makkah. When he was on his way to Madinah they chased him and searched all roads leading to Madinah. Later, they made the decision to travel to Madinah to destroy the newly established Muslim community, ultimately suffering defeats at the hands of Muslims in Battle of Badr, Battle of Uhad, and other battles. The path of destruction was in one direction only, from Makkah to Madina. The game changer proved to be in the opposite direction from Madina to Makkah involving the prophet and fourteen thousand Muslim travelling to Makkah without the intention of waging war on the Quraysh or the pagan but with the intention of entering Makkah for performing pilgrimage and umrah.

Prophet Muhammad’s intention to perform umrah infuriated and angered the pagans who made a decision to block entry of Prophet and his entourage and followers in Makkah. Although, a state of war had existed between pagans of Makkah and the Muslim community for six years, the Muslims were coming to Makkah unarmed during the month of Dhul Qidah, one of the four sacred months, in which all warfare are forbidden. It was also a traditional practice that no one was stopped from entering Makkah. The pagans while breaking the established law decided to stop Prophet Mohammad by force of arms. They dispatched Khalid bin Walid who along with two hundred horsemen got ready to intercept the Muslim pilgrims. Even several thousand heavily-armed pagans remained in Makkah to make sure that the Muslims did not enter Makkah.

Prophet Muhammad had no intention of fighting, and by employing a new strategy changed his route to Makkah and camped on the plain of Hudaibiyah. Uthman bin Affan was sent as the Muslim envoy to Makkah. Even the news reaching Hudaibiyah camp that Uthman bin Affan has been assassinated by the pagans and Quraysh did not shake the resolve of Prophet Muhammad who remained determined and continue to exhibit utmost patience. In the camp, he moved under the acacia tree, took a pledge from the Muslims that they would remain steadfast and fight for Islam in the face of provocations by the pagans and Quraysh. The news about the death of Uthman bin Affan later proved to be false. The Muslims were ready to face the greatest danger without fear or fight. This proved to be another situation that was a game changer, forcing the pagans to open negotiations with Prophet Muhammad.


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