Major General of Indian Armed Forces (retired) on the War in Ukraine | Dr. A.K. Bardalai

2 years ago

Here is the general's recommendation for a video on India's abstention from the vote in the UN General Assembly:


Major General (Dr) AK Bardalai, is a graduate of the National Defence Academy, in Pune (India), and of the Defence Services Staff College, in Wellington (India). He is also an alumnus of Tilburg University, the Netherlands, from where he got his PhD in UN Peace Operations.

General Bardalai was commissioned into the Indian Army in 1977. Where he served as a Brigade Major of a brigade in Sri Lanka, he commanded an infantry battalion in the Siachen Glacier, and attended a Higher Command Course in the Army War College. Later, he became a Brigadier General Staff at the Head Quarters of the Eastern Army Command. He commanded an infantry division in the western theatre of India in 2010 and 2011, and was the Commandant of the Indian Military Training Team in Bhutan.

General Bardalai has also served with the UN as a Military Observer in Angola and was the Deputy Head of the Mission and Deputy Force Commander of UNIFIL (Lebanon).

Since his retirement from the Army in 2014, he is actively engaged with the academic study of UN Peace Operations and he is a Distinguished Fellow of the USI of India.

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