Dr. Mariana Budjeryn: Russia Might Use Tactical Nukes to End War Soon

2 years ago

An Interview with Dr. Mariana Budjeryn, a Ukrainian nuclear weapons and nuclear nonproliferation researcher at the the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center. Mariana’s research focuses on the international non-proliferation regime, arms control, and post-Soviet nuclear history.

Mariana’s has a book forth coming with the title “Inheriting the Bomb: The Collapse of the USSR and The Nuclear Disarmament of Ukraine” (https://www.press.jhu.edu/books/title/12715/inheriting-bomb). She is a foremost expert on Ukraine's and the Soviet Union's nuclear history.

We talked together about the situation in Ukraine and Russia, about her experiences growing up in the USSR, the denuclearization process of her home country, and the outlook for deescalating the conflict with Russia.

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