Why I SHOULDN'T be your WEIGHT LOSS COACH [ Teaser ]

1 year ago

✋🏼 Don’t work with me, if you want to lose weight. Really, don’t!
This is the first part of the larger video. Check out this link to watch my full explanation on why you shouldn't work with me. Perhaps you'll stick around and decide to ignore that piece of advice 😉

Bad advice, empty promises and a cultivated belief in instant gratification. That is my summary of the weight loss industry.

Even though us humans were never this out of shape, you could argue that anyone with a ‘different’ approach that focuses on long-term chance through a scientific and experienced based approach would be given the benefit of the doubt. However, I find the opposite is often true.

At the same time I’ve experienced that many potential clients who’d never sign up for my program at first glance, completely turn their lives around in a matter of months. While this is the case, I also bumped my head a couple of times when potential clients became - actual clients, without proper expectation management. As an entrepreneur I gladly took the blame for this and decided to develop a method to minimize the chance of this occurring. In both cases I noticed there was 1 requirement:

A brutally honest conversation.

Some time ago I therefore started to give my ‘Anti Sales Pitch’ to every potential client that planned an introductory ‘strategy call’. Here I’d do my best to convince them to not work with me, by underlining all the things they might expect from me - but shouldn’t.

Naturally, this is off-putting to some and naturally created a group that wasn’t compatible with my approach. Or vice versa.

Conversely, the people that did stick around were all-in and as a result: willing to give me the benefit of the doubt.


🤔 Why this video series then?

Even though I’ll probably will never get tired of explaining telling people why they shouldn’t work with me, I did feel many potentially interested clients, saw it as a bridge to far to get in touch.

Forget business.

There is so much potential here to make the world a little healthier, but I just need to get this message out there to the right crowd. Therefore, I decided to create this video series where I share (part of that) anti sales pitch I so often give.

First and foremost, with this video it is my goal to make my vision more accessible to some and hence allow them to feel confident enough get in touch if they feel like they’re willing to give me that benefit of the doubt.

Secondly, I really do hope that people who still prefer a different approach, realize I’m not the one and hence find their solution somewhere else. I wish them all the best in pursuing that.

Either way: here it is. I hope you enjoy it, can possible use it or share it with someone you care about that might need it.

All the best!



Did that idea of a 'strategy call' sound either 'interesting' or like a 'hell yeah!'? Then go to my website and plan it right away.

👉🏻 humanpotentialcoaching.com


00:00 Don't work with me as a Weight Loss Coach
00:19 My 'Anti Sales Pitch'
00:42 Introduction about myself
01:09 I don't give you short term results
01:19 I don't tell you what to do
01:47 I don't shout at you
02:01 I don't starve you
02:35 I am not even cheap

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