Jesus reveals an Episode from the Beyond ❤️ What does it mean 'Love your Enemies'?

1 year ago

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The Lord elucidates… Love your Enemies

Jesus Christ reveals thru Jakob Lorber… From Hell to Heaven

Robert Blum – Chapters 107 & 108

Chapter 107 – Heavenly Meal of Grace. Trial of the Heart in the Love for an Enemy

16. Say I (The Lord): “Bruno, dearest friend! Behold, you have certainly sinned often and most coarsely upon Earth. However, since you bear much selfless love in your heart towards your brethren, so too shall much be forgiven you! For here shall mercy be shown to every benefactor of his brothers and sisters, that is, should he practice mercy himself. Thus it shall be done to you, for the sake of your brethren, as well as to your brethren for your sake; because here, one is all, and all are one!

17. “But there are benefactors in the world who may be most merciful towards a poor and young maiden, seeking to help her to the best of their abilities, but should an old and toilsome widow come their way, she will be fobbed off with a sermon and a few pennies, and likewise would this happen for an old and poor brother. Such ‘merciful benefactors’ I will show little mercy! For he who seeks to derive pleasure from his benefactions, and, if unable to do so, is of harder heart than stone itself, belongs to the family of devils. For even devils do good to those of whom they hope to take comfortable advantage.

18. “You, however, are practicing mercy here, beneath which no impure motives may be detected, and thus you shall receive the highest mercy from Me! But before I forward this mercy to you in abundance, I shall subject you to a trial of the heart! Should you pass this as well, then My grace shall be yours at once!

19. “Over there, in the evening dark, you shall find a half-open door, and you may enter the chamber beyond! Therein you shall find all sorts of people who were your worst enemies in the world. Try to win them over, bring them to Me; with this you shall be perfect before Me. For he who does good to his friends alone has not done nearly enough to be able to say to Me: ‘Lord, I was a useless servant after all.’ Yet he who cannot say so is not worthy of Me, not for a long time! So, go there and do in accordance with My words!”

20. Says Bruno: “Oh Lord, Your holy will be done! Your will is my life, my salvation and my greatest bliss! Oh how sweet it is to act in the house of the eternal, almighty Father! Oh you, my enemies, my brethren, you who have grievously misjudged your brother within me, he who loved you, in the name of my God, Lord and Father, I come before you to bless you and do good, and therewith forevermore forget any injustice done to me by you!

21. “Oh, bliss now fills my heart, and it now feels strong enough to humble itself before its arrogant and selfish scorners! Dark notions I receive of how Your heart, holy Father, must have felt back when faced with Your enemies, when, from within, You called out: ‘Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do!’ Oh holy and endless greatness, of which only the heart of God is capable!

22. “Indeed, it is ever so beautiful and uplifting when brothers help one another out, with no thought of recompense! However, no heaven may grasp anything greater or more elavated than the blessing of those who curse us, and to do good to those who have hated, despised and persecuted us!

23. “And so I come before my enemies! For these are as if destined to perfect my heart before God!” With such rare and uplifting words, Bruno rushes over to the door revealed to him by the Lord.

Chapter 108 – The Hero of Love surrounded by enemies. The Love of Christ overcomes All

1. As Bruno attempts to enter the chamber his enemies reside in, several of them block the entrance and angrily berate him: “Step back, wretch! What have we to do with you? Have you not always been more despicable to us than even death, and an object of our hatred and contempt? What should we be doing with you here in hell? To the devils with you, you miserable human beast!”

2. Says Bruno valiantly: “Dear friends, what have I ever done to you to make you so rancorous? I will do everything you ask of me, within reason, to be on good terms with you once again!”

3. Yell the brutes at the door: “You miserable human beast can do nothing to change our opinion of you! We ask for nothing but your departure. Your very appearance sickens us more than hell itself! So leave of your own accord, before we tear you to shreds!”

4. Says Bruno: “If it allows me to be reconciled with you, I would gladly let you crucify me! All I ask is that you promise me to bear me no more ill will!”

5. Say the brutes: “Do you actually believe that would bring us honour? Us crucifying you would be the utmost shame unto us! For the sake of decency we could knock you down like a mongrel dog, that is, if we were in the mood for it! But the mere notion of putting in any effort for you is truly ridiculous! So get lost and refrain from angering us any further with your loathsome presence!”

6. Says Bruno: “But dearest friends, I know only too well how you have always hated and, wherever possible, persecuted me in every way imaginable. However, no matter how much I sought to uncover the reason therefore, in the end, it was futile. You persecuted me for the sole reason of disliking me! But over here in the world beyond we have changed much. I think differently now compared to the way I did on Earth, for I have become a completely different person. Surely that should be the case with all of you as well?

7. “Will you not tell me what I have supposedly done to you in the world? I am now in a position to compensate you a thousandfold for whatever I unwittingly owe you. Please, I only ask you forgive me and be more affable! By no means do I lay claim to your friendship, that would be asking too much of you, my self-declared enemies! But I may nonetheless ask you to cease your hostility, especially because you consider me too insignificant to be crucified by you!”

8. Say the brutes: “What do you intend to gain with your arguing and inane showing off? You are a bastard and shall remain so for all eternity. To our faces you behave as if you were the rarest and most honest person to ever live, yet behind it all you are nothing but a wretch and cannot be trusted! Do you not recall working at the stock exchange, where you only predicted falls and scared us out of our investments, only to then scoop them right up! You churl, quit acting so innocently! We know you! Is the exchange rate dropping over here as well perchance, since you seek our friendship?”

9. Says Bruno: “Ah, there we have it! Oh friends, if that is whence your grudge stems, then I do hope we may soon be the best of friends, because I can assure you that your hatred for me is well off the mark! First, consider that I could predict stock rises and falls no more than you. Second, you cannot prove that I bought those stocks you sold back to the bank at a loss. Behold upon what shaky ground your grudge stands! Did I ever coerce you into buying or selling? However, who did persuade you to sell your papers at the lowest price and buy from the highest bidder? Certainly not I, nor a thousand others! You yourselves were most foolish, but you do not wish to admit it. Committing sins of speculation upon yourselves, you blamed the next best individual coming along that happened to be more adept at speculating than you! Do not be laughable! Why would your papers bother me, or mine you for that matter? I bought, and so did you, when it seemed advisable! Or you sold and I bought; this is completely normal! So why do you bear this grudge against me? Never have I spread any rumours, nor have I cast a net of illusions upon you.”

10. “Alright!”, says a member of the hateful crowd, “You have indeed acted as you claim. But this cannot alleviate our rage and hatred against you, for in the world you always thought differently to what your sweet words would have had us believe. If you said black, it was sure to be white, and vice versa! The opposite was always the certain truth. But your malicious guile did not reveal to you that we used your predictions in reverse. To not always succeed is the name of the game, but had we adhered to your assertions to the letter, we surely would have squandered everything all too quickly. That’s how things are, and that is the origin of our justified hatred of you! Prove to us the contrary and we shall even ask your forgiveness and be your best friends.”

11. Says Bruno: “Good, I take you at your word! Answer me a few questions! Number 1: Was I in a higher position than you at the stock exchange, perhaps a director, accountant, secretary, maybe some consultant or the like?” Say the grumblers: “No, like us, you were nothing but a potential buyer.”

12. Says Bruno: “Good! Question number 2: Who at the stock exchange is actually privy to all the financial secrets?” – Answer: “The bank and exchange clerks.” – “Good, question number 3: Are the interested buyers usually served the truth by the initiated officials?” – Answer: “No! Should things go wrong, you will never know the truth.” – “Good! Question number 4: How should I have come to know the truth then?” – Answer: “Quite easily! Through corruption; a rogue may find many things that will remain hidden to any honest individual!” – “Good, the bird is recognized by its song! Bring me all the bank and exchange officials and let them inform you whether I ever bribed them for bank secrets! But the so-called evil world spoke of you, that on a very critical occasion you might have secretly provided an initiate with a thousand ducats, so he would give you a little advance notice of how things might turn out. Thereafter, the very next day in fact, you traded in your papers, resulting in a resounding loss, only receiving spare change in return. After that you undertook a secret deal abroad, losing yet again! Say, did my apparent black-for-white bid you to do so?”

13. The grumblers hesitate, not knowing how to respond. But Bruno continues: “Friends, did I perhaps also advise the lot of you, as a group, to brick up thirty thousand guilders in a cellar? But when marshal law was declared in Vienna and, during a house search, the soldiers broke open the hollow sounding wall, revealing the ever so welcome find and confiscating all of it – was that too the doing of my black-for-white? In short, your losses were always your own doing, and you mistakenly believe that I was in the know of your secret speculations, and that I betrayed you. But how could this even be, since I never bothered you with my presence outside the stock exchange? I have had no part at all in your misfortune, of that you can be certain! God is my witness! If, however, you nonetheless believe I made you miserable, then prove it to me before God, and I shall do everything in my power to compensate you a hundredfold for my debt.”

14. Says one of them, after lengthy deliberation: “Things are indeed the way you just outlined to us! But if you supposedly had no part in our affairs, then we do not understand how you were so familiar with our circumstances. How could they be known to you, as if you yourself had organized them thus? There are bound to have been many other such unfortunate occurrences in Vienna; say, are you just as familiar with them?”

15. Says Bruno: “Certainly not all of them, but still quite a few. Did you not also always know who was taken to court and why, without being informers on the parties involved? How then should I not have been able to ascertain how you fared during the tribulations, since you were well known to me through our mutual interest in the stock exchange? Prove to me that he who, by chance, found out about an acquaintance’s tragedy must also have brought it about. Tell me what law cites this as a criminal offence?”

16. The grumblers are at a loss. They don’t know what to do, and neither can they think of a proper retort. Their wrath fares likewise. They would prefer to remain unreconciled, but after a more mature deliberation they have lost all reason to. They stand before Bruno void of enmity, instead now angry at themselves for no longer bearing any hate or grudge against him.

17. After a while, one of them steps forward, saying: “It is unfortunate that we have no sensible retort for you. How much we would have liked to thrash you, if only we could have ascribed any guilt to you! But you are too clever for anyone to have at you. And on top of all that we must become your friends now as well! What else do you want from us?”

18. Says Bruno: “Friends, do you not see the big conference table in this chamber, and all those assembled there, holding a meeting, dealing with all of infinity?”

19. Says the speaker: “We see neither chamber nor conference table! We only see this tavern, steeped in darkness, and you of course. We cannot tell whether this place has an exit or not. What of this silly question of yours?”

20. Says Bruno: “With this I wish nothing more than to lead you to the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, so he may purify you and thereby bring you eternal bliss; the very purpose for which He sent me unto you. Follow me willingly to where I shall lead you, and the proper sight shall come upon you at the appropriate time!”

21. Says the speaker: “This will be rather difficult. Firtsly, by no means do you have our trust to the extent that we would suddenly blindly follow you, as if you had been a longtime friend. Secondly, we are New Catholics who know what to think of the Jew named Jesus. We are not so stupid as those who even made Him a god, like the Greeks once did with their Hercules and other heroes of antiquity. Considering all this, you will have to come up with something better if you want to seriously lead us by the nose.”

22. Says Bruno: “Friends, the Roman Catholic faith is indeed quite silly and shallow in many regards, but the New Catholic faith is a thousand times more stupid. Does it not deny the life of the soul after the death of the body? And yet here you are, living after the death of your flesh! This by itself already tells you whose spirit New Catholicism originates from. Furthermore, not only does it deny the most evident Divinity of Christ, but also, according to the philosphers Strauss and Hegel, any Divinity at all! Who would ever hold onto such a doctrine, especially here in the eternal world of spirits, considering it came to such immensely erroneous conclusions regarding the continued life of the soul!? Such a doctrine, in all its postulates, surely shall be no more believable than its despicable presumption of the mortality of the human soul! So, if a doctrine’s fundamental axiom is false beyond compare, then the remaining aspects originating from it cannot be anything other than completely false as well! Hence, throw your New Catholic doctrine onto the rubbish heap and follow me where it is I wish to lead you! I guarantee you that you shall soon be much better off.”

23. Says the speaker: “Friend, you are a devilishly clever fellow! One has to agree with you whether one wishes to or not. From the bottom of our hearts, we apologize that we treated you so harshly and offensively before. I hope you will be able to forgive us! Remember how in Vienna, everything, be it prelate, public official, etc. was appointed to lull the population into a deep slumber, plunging the human spirit into the darkest of nights. Under such conditions it was veritably impossible to lift oneself up to a more exalted understanding of things. We are still the way we were brought up, namely blind, deaf and dumb of soul and spirit. So please, show us forbearance and patience, and lead us to where we may receive more light, in God’s name!”

24. Says Bruno: “Very well! I hope I need not prove to you that I came here with a heart most patient. I have forgiven you everything and am your best friend in truth and perpetuity. Thus, I believe there to be no further obstacle between us that would prevent us from setting off on the sole path along which it is possible to attain a living condition that brings the greatest bliss possible for both soul and spirit. And so, take courage, be of firm resolve, and follow me! For everything else, look confidently to Him who alone can and will help you certainly. He has not sent me unto you for nothing, after all. Not matter how many there are of you: Follow me, and all of you shall be helped!”

25. Say the ones in front: “There are only about twenty of us who know you through the stock exchange; but behind us are countless common riff-raff. Whether these will follow you too or not is another question entirely. It’s possible, but mostly improbable, for they are of the deepest night. Try it though! We don’t mind one way or the other.”

26. Say the many ones in the back: “We are not quite as stupid as the gentlemen in front would have you believe! That is why we shall feel free to follow you as a company of thousands! For He who will help you is surely not going to show us the door. And with all that, on we go on a wing and a prayer, for the glory of God!”

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