VBA Programming: Working with Objects and Collections

1 year ago

This video addresses the intricacies of objects, collections, and their relationship in the world of VBA programming. Objects like forms, pages, or frames contain collections, and among the most commonly encountered are controls. These controls, often found on a form, offer a myriad of functionalities and can be manipulated using VBA code. The video delves deep into how to effectively address and change the values of these controls through various loop methods, especially in scenarios where end-users might have specific accessibility needs. You will witness live demonstrations on how to dynamically change the appearance of controls using 'For Next', 'For Each', and 'With' loop syntaxes in VBA, and see the significance of each in achieving distinct visual outcomes.

VBA, objects, collections, controls, loops, For Next, For Each, With syntax, accessibility, font change, color change, dynamic appearance, form controls

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